Contemporary Correspondences: Dialogues between Portuguese Architecture and Sculpture from the Basque Country


  • Raul Penteado Neto Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
  • Joubert José Lancha Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brasil



Portuguese architecture, transdisciplinarity, art-architecture, Jorge Oteiza, Eduardo Chillida


This article reveals some results and developments of a recently completed doctoral research at IAU USP, which analyzed a set of works produced by Portuguese architects. It explores the transdisciplinary nature of this production, trying to identify meetings, convergences, intersections and the use of strategies from other disciplines, mainly from some sculptors from the Basque Country as a reference for architecture. This study section proposes and presents possible correspondences between a set of works of Portuguese architecture produced by three studios and the work of sculptors Jorge Oteiza and Eduardo Chillida. The method used to try to demonstrate the assumption is that of Comparison of images accompanied and complemented by a brief Bibliographical Review on each work and study covered. This work seeks to confirm contemporary ways of using strategies from other disciplines in the production of architecture.


Author Biographies

Raul Penteado Neto, Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil

Arquitecto y urbanista por la FAU PUC Campinas (2001), máster (2019) y doctorado (2023) por la IAU USP, ambos codirigidos por la FAUP, Portugal. Trabajó en las oficinas de los arquitectos portugueses Álvaro Siza y José Carlos Nunes Oliveira. Profesor de diseño arquitectónico en Unisal (SP). Responsable de la idea original, investigación y guión del documental Paisagem Concreta, producido por Olé + Duo2 para Canal Arte1 (2022).

Joubert José Lancha, Universidade de São Paulo, São Carlos, Brasil

Architect and urban planner from FAU-PUC-Campinas (1985), with a master's and doctorate (1999) in Architecture and Urbanism from the University of São Paulo. In 2008, he obtained the title of Full Professor at the University of São Paulo with the work entitled "The texts of Palladio", and coordinated the first translation into Portuguese of Andrea Palladio's I Quatro Libri dell'Architettura - São Paulo, Hucitec 2009. He is an associate professor at the University of São Paulo, working at the Institute of Architecture and Urbanism, where he has chaired the Research Committee since 2013. Founder and member of the Research Support Center - Language Studies in Architecture and the City (N.ELAC - IAU.USP). Visiting professor at Politecnico di Milano in the Department of Architecture and Urban Studies (2014/2015).



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How to Cite

PENTEADO NETO, R.; JOSÉ LANCHA, J. Contemporary Correspondences: Dialogues between Portuguese Architecture and Sculpture from the Basque Country. arte :lugar :cidade, v. 1, n. 1, p. 177-195, 2 May 2024.