The media as a socializing and political agent: the media consumption of young people in high school




In the current mediatized context, in which digital communication and social networks are part of young people's daily lives, the media is strengthened as a socializing agent in the construction of identities and having skills to seek and consume media content and identify sources reliable becomes essential, including for the critical exercise of citizenship. Seeking to understand the media consumption habits of young people in the political sphere, based on in-depth interviews, of the episodic type, with 16 high school students, from public and private schools, in the city of São Paulo, this article proposes to promote discussions around the pillar of access, one of the skills considered necessary for media literacy, showing how media consumption by respondents interferes with their critical view of society and politics.


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Author Biographies

Egle Müller Spinelli, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing

Docente do curso de Jornalismo e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo (PPGCOM ESPM). Vice-coordenadora da Cátedra Maria Aparecida Baccega. É líder do grupo de pesquisa Comunicação, Literacia Digital e Consumo (DIGICOM) e pesquisadora do grupo COM+. Integrante da Rede Interuniversitária Euroamericana de Investigação sobre Competências Midiáticas para a Cidadania - ALFAMED.

Isabela Afonso Portas, Escola Superior de Propaganda e Marketing

Mestre e Doutoranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação e Práticas de Consumo (PPGCOM ESPM), bolsista CAPES - PROSUP. Integrante da Cátedra Maria Aparecida Baccega.

