Escolas de futebol

projeto social, futebol e dimensões dos conteúdos


  • Ricardo Ribeiro Bento


The sport projects, in general, prioritize the procedural dimension of the contents, which had to the objectives historically related to the development of the motor abilities and to the esportivo performance. The objective of this research was to investigate the possibilities to inside teach sports in the three dimensions of the contents (procedural, atitudinal and conceptual) of the environment of the project “Walking for the Future” of the Municipal City hall of Populina SP, specifically in the modality of field soccer. The used methodology was to the research of the type action (research action). The results of this study allow to point with respect to the expectation of that it also has possibilities of a ampler program for the universe of Schools of Soccer in the scope of social projects.
Keywords: Soccer; Social project; Dimensions of the contents; Values; Concepts


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