Which role in which family? What do parents say about their children?


  • Patricia Bessaoud-Alonso Université de Limoges


parents, children, norm, institution, clinical sociology


Does the norm create a “bad” or a “good” child in the context of a constantly changing family and society? Does it, perhaps, create children as they should be as regards their relation with the previous generation? Educational practices within the families take place where societal injunctions —either conscious or unconscious— and compromise solutions between conflict and serenity meet. These practices lead to constant movements that sometimes make parents and children feel confused in a “sort of game” of interferences between equality and hierarchy, tightly tied to an institutional networking.


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Author Biography

Patricia Bessaoud-Alonso, Université de Limoges

Maître de conférences en Sciences de l'éducation – Université de Limoges, laboratoire FRED, Francophonie Éducation Diversité


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How to Cite

BESSAOUD-ALONSO, P. Which role in which family? What do parents say about their children?. Fractal: Journal of Psychology, v. 27, n. 3, p. 281-285, 25 Nov. 2015.