Hostile architecture and ethical hermeneutics



Design urbano, Controle social, Direito à moradia, Ética hermenêutica


Despite its intrinsic value, that is, of space occupation and cultural and historical expression of people, in this article, we propose to reflect on a problem that encompasses architecture, but ends up intertwining with aspects of sociopolitical philosophy, namely, the hostile architecture. In the first section, we will present some elements of the traditional architecture and the sociopolitical implications of hostile architecture, permeating aspects of architecture as a form of artistic expression and the space occupation. In the second section, we will discuss Gadamer’s philosophical hermeneutics, in its ethical dimension, regarding the control and exclusion of people, and privatization of public spaces, proposing the need to understand the world and occupying spaces considering the other in the equation. With this, we hope to contribute to the debate on hostile architecture, which is recent, based on a proposal of ethics and otherness present in Gadamer’s hermeneutics.


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Author Biography

Leonardo Marques Kussler

Doutor em Filosofia pela UNISINOS


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How to Cite

Kussler, L. M. (2021). Hostile architecture and ethical hermeneutics. Geograficidade, 11(Especial), 16-25. Retrieved from