spatial metaphors in fantasy literature
Jim Dodge, Fup, Fences, Domant imageryAbstract
How can simple life situations and surreal circumstances be parameters for a geographical examination in literary texts? One solution is to reflect the spatial metaphors that were attached to the scientific language discourse and then travel over the artistic text, choosing a dominant image, starting from the tension of the confrontation between the geographer reader and the novel to decode the configuration of an existential universe. For a dialogue, we dragged the novel Fup, by Jim Dodge, a plot created by five characters who find the base to support their existence at the top of a hill. It is there that there are divisions of space by structures
(fences) that are imposed on the natural landscape. When analyzing the novel, it is clear that these structures are launched on the ground to build an existential blockage, they are also a link to a
transcendental event, they are metaphors that can be decoded into spatial meanings.
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