The artistic practice of coexistentialize

not getting where we want, but never forgetting the power of feeling-with


  • Thallyta Karoline Maia Piovezan Universidade Federal do Paraná


Contemporary Art, Coexistence, space


Throughout this article, I developed a reflection on my artistic practice, between 2020 and 2022. I elaborated the operative concept coexistentialize, articulating questions about how we have been relating to each other and to ecosystems. To do so, I relied on Lygia Clark’s artistic practice, the concepts of fluid space and meshwork by the anthropologist Tim Ingold, the concept of Body Without Organs by Deleuze and Guattari and the space from Doreen Massey. Ichnographically, I used balloons, vases, soil, and other materials, emphasizing the fluidic characteristics present in the balloons, aiming to carry out experiences that could enable to induce, to some degree, sensory perceptions of being close to something and to evidence, through the senses, coexistence in experiences.


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How to Cite

Piovezan, T. K. M. (2023). The artistic practice of coexistentialize: not getting where we want, but never forgetting the power of feeling-with. Geograficidade, 13(Especial), 24-36. Retrieved from