Spells in the urban

counter-chreographies, ambiquities and mandingas


  • Luana Pfeifer Raiter
  • Sarah Ferreira Universidade Federal Fluminense


Theater, Urban Space, Micropolitics, Activism, ERRO Grupo


Over the last 22 years, ERRO Grupo is developing artistic actions in the urban space in a transdisciplinary research, seeking to create situations that can generate political and sensitive spaces, operating in the dissolution of the roles of the actor and the spectator and the boundaries between fiction and reality. In the this article, the structure of the theatrical work “Jogo da Guerra” (Game of War) and the ways in which the action boosted and highlighted the political potential of art in the urban space will be presented. “Jogo da Guerra” was inspired by “Kriegspiel”, a game created by Guy Debord and Alice Becker-Ho and premiered in May 2018 marking the fiftieth anniversary of the protests of May 68. From our experiences as members of ERRO Grupo and of the creative team of “Jogo da Guerra”, we will remember some guiding concepts of the rehearsals, montage and presentations of this work that is one of the last urban interventions created by the group before the rise of the Bolsonarist government.


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How to Cite

Raiter, L. P., & Ferreira, S. (2023). Spells in the urban: counter-chreographies, ambiquities and mandingas. Geograficidade, 13(Especial), 60-74. Retrieved from https://periodicos.uff.br/geograficidade/article/view/55640