The serial sensations

a reading of the townscape beyond the visual field


  • Ricardo Ferreira Lopes Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora
  • Josielle Cíntia de Souza Rocha Professor at FAU of the Faminas University Center


teaching observation drawing, Phenomenology, multisensory image, townscape, serial vision


This paper aims to present some considerations about the use of some perceptive modalities in the teaching of observational drawing. In view of the resistance of a part of the beginners’ students in the courses of Architecture and Urbanism, the starting point was the assumption about the need to overcome the prejudices of an ideal graphic representation committed to visual verisimilitude in learning to draw. During the development of the research, some didactic activities were elaborated, which were carried out between 2016 and 2022, in the elective discipline Urban Scketching (DPRT-FAU-UFJF) configured as an alternative to the
traditional drawing teaching. The methodology employed included a theoretical review based on Phenomenology, with emphasis on the multisensory image theme, as well as an empirical description of the activities carried out in the eleventh class, entitled: “Serial sensations” - in allusion to the “Serial Vision” proposed by Gordon Cullen. Based on the selection of graphic and textual descriptions made by the students in the exercise, the research findings are finally discussed, in view of the initially raised assumption.


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How to Cite

Lopes, R. F., & Rocha, J. C. de S. (2024). The serial sensations: a reading of the townscape beyond the visual field. Geograficidade, 14(2), 17-29. Retrieved from