About the Journal


Journal is sponsored by the Graduate Program in Geography of the Fluminense Federal University, a recognized scientific institution in Brazil. The scope of GEOgraphia encompasses physical and/or human processes that shapeof the geographical space from the most diverse theoretical and empirical approaches, withshowing the aim ofto disseminatinge knowledge about classical and contemporary debates in Geography and related areas.   

Original manuscripts with empirical data and solid theoretical basis are required for publication. Review articles are also accepted, on the conditionbut since they provide a clear and original contribution to geographical knowledge. Manuscripts may be submitted in Portuguese, Spanish, French and English.

This journal is open access and published exclusively in a virtual environment for non-commercial purposes. Nowadays, both submission and publication processes are continuous, supported by ad hoc reviewers and an international editorial board.

The journal publishes theoretical or thematic manuscripts in the field of Geography, considering the following sections:

Articles: empirical research based on rigorous methodological guidelines rigor or theoretical reviews with significant advances to the research field are accepted after blind peer review. The submission must be performed in the journal system following the formatting rules available in Submissions>Author Guidelines

Fundamental Concepts of Geography: Section dedicated to current discussions on the most important concepts of geographical science. Small manuscripts from 5 to 7 pages with basic bibliography, and written by authors who have expertise in the field are accepted after blind peer review. The proposals should be sent to <revistageographia@gmail.com>, registering in the subject field "Fundamental Concepts of Geography Proposal".

Our Classics: manuscripts to discuss unpublished translations of a fundamental article or book chapter, and/or to present its classical author in the field of Geography may be accepted after blind peer review. The proposals should be sent to <revistageographia@gmail.com>, registering in the subject field "Our Classics Proposal".


Desk Review

We clarify that, before sending to external reviewers, the articles will be evaluated by the Editorial Committee, following the criteria listed below. 

a) Formal criteria: articles that do not comply with the formal rules established by the journal will not be accepted. Their resubmission is authorized.

b) Theoretical and/or empirical content: articles that correspond to simple descriptive reports or without scientific analysis will not be accepted. Preference will be given to articles that show clear connections between consistent empirical analysis and the theoretical basis in the scope of the journal. Basically theoretical manuscripts will only be accepted when they constitute innovative conceptual (or methodological) reviews.

c) Adherence to the editorial scope: Priority will be given to articles that clearly represent advances in geographical science and its Human and/or Physical dimensions derived from unpublished data. In addition, articles with an excessively local focus and without links to other scales will not be accepted.

d) Plagiarism: copies of text or data will not be accepted.

Articles that do not meet these minimum criteria will not be sent to referees.


Once approved in the Desk Review stage, the articles will be sent without identification to two evaluators of national and/or foreign teaching and/or research institutions of proven scientific production. In case of divergence of opinions, the article will be sent to a third reviewer. The Editorial Committee of GEOgraphia is responsible for the final approval of an article for publication. The Committee also has the right to make minor modifications to the text, tables and figures, in order to meet the journal's editorial criteria. The final version of the article will be presented to the corresponding author for her/his final approval for publication.

Authors can accompany the manuscript evaluation process through the online evaluation system. Doubts can be clarified via e-mail <revistageogaphia@gmail.com>.

The original manuscripts submitted to GEOgraphia must not have been published and should not be submitted simultaneously to any other journal.


The GEOgraphia journal is a semiannual publication with continuous flow.


1517-7793 / 2674-8126


GEOgraphia follows the principles of ethics in scientific publication contained in the Code of Conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), available here: <https://publicationethics.org/core-practices/>.

Plagiarism, self-plagiarism, falsification and data manufacturing practices will not be allowed. These scientific misconducts are defined by the Brazilian Academy of Sciences <http://www.abc.org.br/IMG/pdf/doc-4559.pdf>.

The journal guarantees the anonymity of authors and reviewers during the editorial evaluation.


The author grants and transfers, in full and free of charge, all non-commercial property copyrights in relation to scientific articles published in the GEOgraphia journal to the Graduate Program in Geography of Universidade Federal Fluminense on a permanent, irrevocable and non-exclusive basis. The signed texts are of responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the opinion of the editors and members of the Editorial Board of the journal.


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For further information, please contact Marco, by e-mail <revistageographia@gmail.com>.