




This article is the result of an effort to produce a study on territorial justice with an empirical anchor, using qualitative research. The purpose of the analysis is to understand the role of the Caju Intersectoral Network in the search for territorial justice in the neighborhood located in the port area of Rio de Janeiro, marked by an unjust territorial structure. Mobilizing the study of territorial political networks, it seeks to understand the articulation between the actors involved and the political network in question with the municipal public power. The study also includes an analysis of the role of reinforcing territorial injustices that the stigmatization of peripheral territories produces, with a harmful effect on the performance of public authorities in the neighborhood of Caju. We identified that the challenge is to develop, in Caju, local territorial governance processes that have as a premise community participation, trust and democratic control and that their horizon is that of territorial justice.

Keywords: territorial justice; political networks; Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite

Almeida de Abreu, A. (2022). TERRITORIAL INJUSTICE IN RIO DE JANEIRO AND THE EXPERIENCE OF THE CAJU INTERSECTORIAL NETWORK. GEOgraphia, 24(52). https://doi.org/10.22409/GEOgraphia2022.v24i52.a49416