


Cartographic scale, Geographic scale, Scale policy, Social movements


The article has as aims to make a reflection around the scale, for this purpose, first it make a difference between cartographic scale, geographic scale and scale policy. In then, it support on the theorizations about the policy of scale with the premise of the conceptions of the political economy and the post-structuralism, which it refer to an ontological and epistemological reflection of the scale. Finally, the paper analyzes the contributions of Cox (1998), Brenner (2000; 2001) and Smith (2000, 2002, 2004) to understanding the scale as a social, dynamic, changeable, multidimensional product that exhibits a zonal face but also reticular,  in addition to being the result of a social practice and discursive construction that enables the exercise of power, which does not occur following a traditional and static hierarchy based in the direction of the global to the site, because the latter can also interfere in the first. Thus, the policy of scale is mobilized both by the hegemonic agents and by the social movements to potentialize their struggles for/in the territory.


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