Ecofeminism, Chocó, Colombian Pacific, fisherwomen, Nature conservationAbstract
Departing from the ecofeminism theme in the context of the affluence of feminist demands to environmental and social demands, this paper aims to deepen the debate on the theme and demonstrate the social role of Afro-Colombian women from the Chocoan Pacific for artisanal fishing. Justifying it by the need to give visibility to the theme and to the case study in question, we ran through the hypothesis that Afro-Colombian women are responsible for various fishing activities and ensure food security for their families and communities. With regard to the research methodology, we are guided by historical and dialectical materialism, through which we understand gender inequalities in the midst of social inequalities and class struggle. As for the research techniques, we carried out a bibliographic survey, document analysis, field work and interview recording, from which we concluded that Afro-Colombian women experience the devaluation of the activities they perform and limited access to the resources they use, but they reappear in their social and cultural contexts such as entrepreneurs, leaders of associations, projects and cultural agitators.
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