


veganism, geography, bibliometrics, nourishment, praxis


Society’s concern about animal rights, the interaction between health and the environment, as well as personal well-being are among the main reasons that explain the growth of veganism as a contemporary food practice. Despite being present in social movements, this theme is still less explored by science, especially Geography. This paper aims to analyze how veganism has been studied by Geography, besides identifying the main theories used and tangent themes. As a methodology, bibliometric analysis was carried out to objectively verify the contribution of scientific knowledge on the subject. We searched scientific papers in three databases, applying the keywords “veganism and geography”. After filtering, 14 articles were selected, whose attributes were tabulated and analyzed. Within geography, the most central areas in veganism investigations are Human Geography, Food Geography, and Economic Geography. Due to the importance of the theme for environmental and sustainability issues, we reinforce the need to develop more studies on veganism to find more effective responses to the increasingly urgent demands of the Anthropocene.


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