


Communality, Conviviality, Coloniality, Marx, Latin America


In November 2020, the Universidad de la Tierra organized a panel entitled Communality and concrete life. Among the participants was Zapotec intellectual Jaime Martínez Luna, who, in his intervention, said: "Marx says it clearly: philosophers interpret the world, the task is to change it. I would say: neither one nor the other. The task is to share it." This phrase opens up a new type of political paradigm, one centered on the communal dimension of life and its relations with the territory. To this end, our purpose is to explore this political horizon from two complementary, though not identical, concepts: conviviality and communality. Starting from an analysis of Marx's thought at different stages of his life and following the critique formulated by postcolonial and decolonial schools of thought, the text seeks to reflect on the ways in which Marxist thought, in a dialogue with these two concepts in Latin America, can lead to emancipatory movements. Working with the thought of two of its most significant exponents: Jaime Martínez Luna and Gustavo Esteva, both based in Oaxaca. This text seeks to bring these concepts into dialogue but also to recognize them as part of a practice from the territory necessary for feeling-thinking and practice in an era of generalized crisis.


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Dossiê - Geografia e descolonialidade desde uma perspectiva latino-americana