The invention of the monolingualism and national language


  • Henrique Monteagudo Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Galiza)



Sociolinguistics, Language Planning, Nationalism, Bilingualism


Societal monolingualism, far from being a spontaneous phenomenon, is usually the outcome of glotopolitical interventions aimed at the uniformization of previously multilingual populations. This outcome is achieved and artificially sustained by deliberate institutional and governmental policies. This contribution explains how these historical processes are connected to the emergence of Nation-States and States-Nation established in Europe form the 18th century on. At the same time, the ideology of the ‘national language’ was elaborated and disseminated, so the cultural, socio-political and practical conditions for the creation of monoligual spaces were achieved.


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Author Biography

Henrique Monteagudo, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Galiza)

Professor titular de Filologias Galega e Portuguesa da Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Galiza), também é investigador do Instituto da Língua Galega da mesma Universidade. Foi professor convidado na Universidade de Califórnia-Santa Barbara, no Graduate Center-City University of New York e nas Universidades de São Paulo e Buenos Aires. A sua pesquisa está centrada na história da língua, na sociolinguística e na glotopolítica. Publicou, entre outras monografias, uma História Social da Língua Galega, e é coeditor e coautor do volume Galego e Português Brasileiro: história, variação, mudança.



How to Cite

Monteagudo, H. (2012). The invention of the monolingualism and national language. Gragoatá, 17(32).



Language Articles