Literature and Spanish as a foreign language: the matter of otherness


  • Antônio Andrade CCAA; CPII


Hispanic literature. Spanish as a foreign language. Otherness


We know that many theoretical references not only demonstrate the importance of otherness in the studies of culture, philosophy, art, and literature, but also point toward a path to which the debate around the Spanish as a foreign language is leading its researchers. It seems that the basic issue for all scholars of Spanish as a foreign language in Brazil is to think about what cultural and linguistic aspects are involved in the teachinglearning process of a language which is situated between the proximity and differentiation. Therefore, this paper will attempt to draw a relationship between literary studies and theoretical field of Applied Linguistics to the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language, making use of the theoretical question of otherness and discussing their productivity for both areas of reflection – language and literature –, constituents of academic training of professionals with qualification in Spanish and Portuguese.


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Author Biography

Antônio Andrade, CCAA; CPII

Doutorando em Literatura Comparada pela Universidade Federal Fluminense, professor de Espanhol e Literaturas Hispânicas do Colégio Pedro II e da Faculdade CCAA . Possui vários ensaios publicados em livros e revistas especializadas nas áreas de poesia contemporânea e ensino-aprendizagem de espanhol como língua estrangeira.



How to Cite

Andrade, A. (2008). Literature and Spanish as a foreign language: the matter of otherness. Gragoatá, 13(25). Retrieved from



Language Articles