Galofilia e galofobia na cultura brasileira


  • Leyla Perrone-Moisés Universidade de São Paulo (USP)


cultural relations Brazil/France.


A bird's eye view of the image of France in the Brazilian culture from the 18th to the 20th century. The history of the cultural relations of Brazil wilh France is more problematic than what is traditionally believed. Even in the most idyllic moments, there have been tensions and disagreements. Each period of strong French influence is equaly a period of rejection of such influence on the part of the Brazilian intelligentsia. This article analyzes the dual movemenl of atraction and rejection in the Brazil-France relations, suggesting that attitudes of rejection are aften associated with the search for a national identity or with the commitment to a wider Pan-American or Latin American project


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How to Cite

Perrone-Moisés, L. (2020). Galofilia e galofobia na cultura brasileira. Gragoatá, 6(11), 41-59. Retrieved from