Assessment of technical skills and the use of industry 4.0 tools

A study in the manufacturing sector




Qualification for manufacturing is one of the key requirements for the success of smart factories in the fourth industrial revolution. For this reason, this article aims to identify the perception of manufacturing workers, based in the state of Pernambuco/Northeast of Brazil, regarding the technical skills and use of industry 4.0 tools. For this purpose, descriptive research was carried out, with a quantitative approach, of the survey type, with the application of electronic interaction with 392 interviewees, with data collected for convenience, using descriptive statistical analysis to measure the results obtained. It was found that workers are more used to digitalization technologies and the Internet of Things, and are interested in carrying out training, including in the form of Distance Education, in the areas of basic computing, Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetic Security and Integration of Information Systems. Smart Production. The results can be used in the diagnosis of competences to support actions to improve processes and training within the scope of industry 4.0, in addition to providing methodological contributions that can be replicated in the reinforcements of other states of Brazil and in other countries with the level of future maturity to that of Brazil.


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