Prevalência de tuberculose em carcaças bovinas abatidas no Brasil sob inspeção federal, no período de 2017 a 2021


  • Natália Medeiros UFRGS
  • André Gustavo Cabrera Dalto UFRGS
  • Liris Kindlein


bovine, carcass, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, prevalence


The objective was to determine the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis according to data collected by SIGSIF (Management Information System of the Federal Inspection Service), from January/2017 to December/2021, including 17 states that detected diagnoses of tuberculosis in post-prevention death. Data were collected using Microsoft Excel to calculate prevalence and create tables and graphs. To observe the behavior of the occurrence of the disease over the years, the normality of the data was determined by the the Shapiko-Wilk test and subsequently the Pearson correlation test was performed. The prevalence of the disease in the studied period was 0.133%, with the south and southeast regions representing 85% of carcass and viscera condemnation due to bovine tuberculosis. The states with the highest prevalence of the disease were Santa Catarina (1.369%), Minas Gerais (0.569%), São Paulo (0.424%) and Paraná (0.421%). However, the disease showed a uniform behavior throughout the studied period. Bovine tuberculosis is present in the Brazilian cattle herd, and post mortem inspection is a fundamental tool for epidemiological monitoring of the disease and to reduce risks to single health. 


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Tecnologia e Inspeção de Produtos de Origem Animal