“The shadowy intimity”: note on the self-writing in Al Berto


  • Leonardo de Barros Sasaki Universidade de São Paulo




Al Berto, intimacy, self writing


The question we face is how can we understand the relationship between life and poetry in a work like the one by the poet Al Berto, so permeated by so-called self-writing (autobiography, diary, memoirs, correspondence, etc.). The intention in this article is to discuss the notions of autobiogra­phy, privacy, intimacy and authenticity in his poetic universe. For that, we comment not only the literary texts stricto sensu, as well as his public state­ments - interviews and speeches -, understanding them also as part of the “autobiographical game” proposed by the poet. At the end, we propose, as a case study, the analysis of two somewhat unknown texts by Al Berto: “Bio­graphical note in letter form” and “Acceptance Speech for the PEN Club Award for Poetry”, both collected by us in the poet’s estate. 


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How to Cite

Sasaki, L. de B. (2013). “The shadowy intimity”: note on the self-writing in Al Berto. ABRIL – NEPA / UFF, 5(11), 151-168. https://doi.org/10.22409/abriluff.v5i11.29667