“How this body dances in itself” or the work of shape according to Jorge de Sena


  • Mônica Genelhu Fagundes Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro




Jorge de Sena, metamorphosis, inter-arts dialogue


A poem reads a photograph which seizes a dance step: thus Jorge de Sena composes “The dancer of Brunei”, in Metamorphoses. Examining this intermingling of languages – poetry, photography, dance – proposed by the poet, we aim, starting with the analysis of the poem itself and the photograph to which it relates, and furthermore exploring the core meanings standing out in this relationship (body, gesture, image, time, history) to think about what would be the work of form – the metamorphosis – according to Jorge de Sena, hoping to understand his dialectically articulated motivation, which combines aesthetic intervention and ethical investment on reality.


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How to Cite

Fagundes, M. G. (2010). “How this body dances in itself” or the work of shape according to Jorge de Sena. ABRIL – NEPA / UFF, 3(5), 81-87. https://doi.org/10.22409/abriluff.v3i5.29765