The critical reader in the poetry of Manuel Gusmão


  • Marleide Anchieta de Lima Universidade Federal Fluminense



Contemporary Portuguese poetry, Manuel Gusmão, Critical reader.


In the poetry of Manuel Gusmão, the reader is invited to actively partici­pate in writing and reading scenes. To the poet-critic, the act of reading, understood as emancipatory and political practice, is sharing the aesthe­tic experience and the development of our sensitive-cognitive instances, beyond the world learning outside and inside the text. In this sense, our article aims to examine the critical reader configuration from three aspects present in that poetry – act of co-motion, epistemological construction and erratic tissue habitation. With this perspective, we turn to the theoretical­-critical of Roland Bathes, Jacques Rancière and Eduardo Prado Coelho.


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Author Biography

Marleide Anchieta de Lima, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Doutora em Literatura Comparada pela Universidade Federal Fluminense. Mestre em Literatura Brasileira e Teoria da Literatura pela mesma universidade.



How to Cite

Lima, M. A. de. (2015). The critical reader in the poetry of Manuel Gusmão. ABRIL – NEPA / UFF, 7(15), 185-195.