Ruy Belo: body of self, body of others


  • Aline Duque Erthal UFF/Capes



Portuguese poetry, Ruy Belo, body.


The passage of time is one of the lines of strength of Ruy Belo's poetry. The aging process inscribes marks of death in the materiality of the subjects and of the world, in a mourning and ineluctable progress. In this article, we’ll make some comments about how the human body is a privileged place in Belian ethics, working as a critical space for denunciation of economic, social or political exploitation, and even more than that: it’s trough the overtoure of the subject to the other’s face that a belief may subsist, even after Aquele grande Rio Eufrates. Therefore, being in the world and with others – corporately – surpasses contingency and turns to be a responsibility.





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Author Biography

Aline Duque Erthal, UFF/Capes

Doutoranda em Letras (Literatura Portuguesa) na Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), com bolsa da Capes. Possui mestrado em Letras (Literatura Portuguesa) pela mesma universidade; especialização em Literaturas e Culturas de Língua Portuguesa: Portugal e África, também pela UFF; e graduação em Comunicação Social/Jornalismo pela Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (2003). 



How to Cite

Erthal, A. D. (2017). Ruy Belo: body of self, body of others. ABRIL – NEPA / UFF, 9(18), 115-125.