An "ethics of the self" in the novel-cronicle-journal-short story <i>Ana de Amsterdam</i>, by Ana Cássia Rebelo


  • Lilian Reichert Coelho Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia



Literary Genres, Contemporary Literature, Literature in Portuguese Language.


We present a Reading of the relations between the plurality of Genres collected by Ana Cássia Rebelo, a writer with roots in Portugal, Goa and Moçambique at the same time, in the book Ana de Amsterdam, and the themes dealt. As theoretical bias, we approached to Agamben, Gumbrecht and Barthes. As method, we chose the inductive perspective. As main theoretical notions, we adopted “the ethics of the self”, the production of presence and biografeme. After the mentioned effort, we concluded that boredom insulated from anguish, produced in the core of the Contemporary world, affects the narrator in such a deep way that compels her to take a strong position and highlight her privacy in an obscene way. It allows her to frame her own “self” as a mosaic of Genres and Themes, arised from the relation between the body as materiality and the subjective experience of Reading and Writing.





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Author Biography

Lilian Reichert Coelho, Universidade Federal do Sul da Bahia

Professora Adjunta do Instituto de Humanidades, Artes e Ciências do Campus Paulo Freire da UFSB. Pesquisadora CNPq.

Graduada em Comunicação Social/Jornalismo (UEL), Mestre em Estudos Literários (UNESP) e Doutora em Letras (UFBA).



How to Cite

Coelho, L. R. (2017). An "ethics of the self" in the novel-cronicle-journal-short story <i>Ana de Amsterdam</i>, by Ana Cássia Rebelo. ABRIL – NEPA / UFF, 9(19), 119-132.