João Melo and the poetics of violence: a brief analysis of Autorretrato




João Melo, Poetry, Violence, Post-Colonialism, Resistance


João Melo is recongnized by contemporary critics as a landmark in post­-independece Angolan poetry, but he is still little known in Brazil. Melo was born in 1955, in Luanda, Angola, and comes to the literary cannon of his time with a work that, apparently alienated from Realism, constitutes itself as a way to denounce social exclusion through a sophisticated aesthetic. The central idea of this article is to propose a more attentive focus, among the various themes raised by the poet, for the importance of violence as a topic of representation of Angolan daily life in its condition as a peripheral country. Critics such as Seligmann-Silva (1999) contribute to the reflection, especially in the understanding testimony and irony in Autorretrato (2007). In this dialogue, it also presents itself as an unavoidable work for the discussion, for the understanding of Melo’s poetry in its resistance character, Theodor Adorno’s Negative Dialectic (2018).


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Author Biographies

Debora Ribeiro Rendelli, UFSCar

Professora de língua portuguesa e pesquisadora de literatura na UFSCar.

Daniel Marinho Laks, Universidade Federal de São Carlos

Professor adjunto e professor do quadro efetivo do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos de Literatura (PPGLit) da Universidade Federal de São Carlos. Realizou pós-doutorado na Universidade Federal Fluminense com financiamento Faperj (Bolsa Faperj Nota 10). Doutor pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação Literatura, Cultura e Contemporaneidade da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro com período sanduíche de doze meses na Universidade de Coimbra (2016). Mestre em Letras pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (2011). E-mail:



How to Cite

Rendelli, D. R., & Laks, D. M. (2020). João Melo and the poetics of violence: a brief analysis of Autorretrato. ABRIL – NEPA / UFF, 12(25), 85-98.