Letters, solitude and voice for a post-memory: Maremoto of Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida
Post-colonialism, memory, post-memory, testimony, solitudeAbstract
This article seeks to look into the act of creating a post-memory based on the analysis of the novel Maremoto, of Djaimilia Pereira de Almeida. Collecting the theoretical contributions from the sociology of absences (SANTOS, 2002) and from the post-colonial sociology of absences (KHAN, 2015), the following theses are defended: first, that the post-colonialism of Portuguese experience contains many of the silencing and invisibility legacies of the ‘Other’, as in colonial times; and, secondly, the preparation of a ground for post-memory implies a lonely commitment to a duty of memory by those who, in the past as in the present, feel absent and silenced, both in official narratives and in the public arena of Portuguese post-coloniality.
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