Maria Judite de Carvalho and the forgotten justice


  • Lelia Parreira Duarte Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)



Maria Judite de Carvalho, Forgotten, Melancholy, Persefone, Agamben


The forgotten are, for Giorgio Agamben (1999, p. 72-73), the ones who demand justice, and should not be consigned to memory and language, but remain unmistakable and nameless. To do justice to the forgotten ones will therefore be to talk about beings without importance and even existence, marked by emptiness and void, plunged into the despair of their bare lives, like the characters of the Portuguese writer Maria Judite de Carvalho are. This study wants to show how she does justice to the forgotten, displaying the lack of sense that only literature – the art which is disconnected from pragmatism and deprived of hope – can work with the tricks of Persefone and of Orpheus, in his transit between death and life, with the melancholy and negativity characteristic of forgotten subjects, trapped in their concentrated spaces of banishment and exclusion. The work recalls, therefore, Blanchot’s perspective that the literary work is proof of the impossibility of union, repetition that never ends, satiety that has nothing, scintillation of what is groundless and shallow. Nothing to do: no integration’s possible; for the forgotten, there is no rescue possibility. We know, however, with Almansi (1978): writers and poets are magicians, that language and poetry do not allow for a clear and definite sense; so it is possible to guarantee, with Orpheu’s songs and Persefone’s masks, life and prosperity in literature.


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Author Biography

Lelia Parreira Duarte, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG)

Professora Titular de Literatura Portuguesa da UFMG e professora do Programa de Pós-graduação em Letras da PUC Minas, dirigiu Centros de Estudos Portugueses nas duas universidades. Mestre em Literatura Brasileira pela UFMG, doutora em Literatura Portuguesa pela USP e pós-doutora em Literatura Portuguesa pela Universidade de Lisboa. Foi pesquisadora do CNPq e hoje conjuga estudos de literatura com a pintura.


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AGAMBEN, Giorgio. Os fantasmas de Eros. In: Estâncias – a palavra e o fantasma na cultura ocidental. Trad. Selvino José Assmann. Belo Horizonte; Editora UFMG, 2007, pp. 21-56.

ALMANSI. Guido. L’affaire mystérieuse de l’abominable tongue-in-cheek. Poétique. Paris, n 36, p. 413-426, nov. 1978.

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BUESCU, Helena Carvalhão. Somos todos Homines Sacri: uma leitura agambiana de Maria Judite de Carvalho. In: DUARTE, Lélia Parreira (org.) De Orfeu de Perséfone: morte e literatura. Cotia, SP: Ateliê Editorial; Belo Horizonte, MG: Editora PUC Minas, 2008, pp. 209-233.

CARVALHO, Maria Judite de. Obras completas. Lisboa: Minotauro, 2019, vol. V.

DUARTE, Lélia Parreira. Ironia e humor na literatura. Belo Horizonte: PUC Minas; São Paulo: Alameda, 2006.

DUARTE, Lélia Parreira. Maria Judite de Carvalho: Seta despedida não volta ao arco. In: DUARTE, Lélia Parreira (Org.) De Orfeu e de Perséfone- morte e literatura. Cotia,SP: Ateliê Editorial; Belo Horizonte, MG: Editora PUC Minas, 2008, pp. 253-265.

LEVY, Tatiana Salem. A experiência do Fora: Blanchot, Foucault, Deleuze. Rio de Janeiro: Relume-Dumará, 2003.

LOPES, Silvina Rodrigues. “Sobre-viver: O Inacabado”. Românica 15. Lisboa: Colibri, 2006, pp. 139-146.



How to Cite

Duarte, L. P. (2022). Maria Judite de Carvalho and the forgotten justice. ABRIL – NEPA / UFF, 14(28), 217-230.