Catarina Costa’s periferia: a reading in the light of modernity’s violence


  • Sandra Sousa University of Central Florida



Modernity, Coloniality, Violence, Center-periphery


Catarina Costa’s Periferia is a challenging novel on several levels, which offers us the possibility of thinking about the issue of modernity in relation to violence against women. In this article, I intend to analyze Periferia in the light of Mary Louise Pratt’s article, “Modernity and Periphery: Toward a Global and Relational Analysis” and philosophers of modernity/coloniality such as Nelson Maldonado-Torres, among others. It is my intention, in this space, to show how the novel Periferia deconstructs the “Eurocentric fallacy,” in the expression of Enrique Dussel (DUSSEL, 1995, p. 65), and patriarchal, rooted in modernity.


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Author Biography

Sandra Sousa, University of Central Florida

Professora Associada no Departamento de Linguas e Literaturas Modernas da University of Central Florida. Doutorada em Estudos Portugueses e Brasileiros pela Brown University. Pesquisadora do PielaAfrica (CNPq) e do CLEPUL. E autora dos livros Ficções do Outro: Império, Raça e Subjectividade no Moçambique Colonial (2015), e Portugal Segundo os Estados Unidos da América (2021). E co-editora dos livros Visitas a João Paulo Borges Coelho. Leituras, Diálogos e Futuros (2017) e The Africas in the World and the World in the Africas: African Literatures and Comparativism (2022).


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How to Cite

Sousa, S. (2023). Catarina Costa’s periferia: a reading in the light of modernity’s violence. ABRIL – NEPA / UFF, 15(31), 117-132.