Ingrained/estrangement, unfamiliarity in the post-25th of April in Portugal: poetry of the 1970s and 1980s by Isabel de Sá
Isabel de Sá, Portuguese poetry, Unfamiliar, PsychoanalysisAbstract
This article aims to discuss some poetic strategies used by Isabel de Sá at the beginning of her literary production, having as context the Carnation Revolution, in 1974. Isabel, artist of words and images — as a teacher, painter and draftswoman, begins publishing in 1979, with Esquizo Frenia. To advance the investigation, we made use of the psychoanalytic concept that mobilizes between strangeness, unfamiliarity and discomfort, defended by Sigmund Freud, in 1919, which we have been recreating through the neologism of ingrained/strangement and furrows the boundaries between intimacy, domesticity and the open field of the other, of the unknown. In this way, we try to read the initial works of the aforementioned author, by using the idea of counter-image that Eduardo Lourenço introduces in “Psicanálise Mítica do Destino Português”, relating to this the problem that the poetic word makes whoever possesses it strange, like the poet herself states in O duplo dividido, in 1989. At the end, this material also contains a quick interview with the poet Isabel de Sá.
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