A “A mass grave of deceased flowers”: visions and revolutions of the 25th of April in Fado Alexandrino and the Inquisitors’ Manual by António Lobo Antunes


  • Felipe Cammaert CLLC, Universidade de Aveiro




Carnation Revolution, António Lobo Antunes, carnivalization of history, hyperbole


The episode of the Carnation Revolution runs through António Lobo Antunes’ work from beginning to end, and is one of the most significant examples of the narrative’s use of the “carnivalization of history” (Bakhtin). The fictional representation of this event is marked by the disruption of social hierarchies in the diegetic universe, as well as the narrative focus on the intimate sphere of the characters, among other phenomena. In Fado Alexandrino (1983), alongside the detailed description of the 1974 popular uprising made by the former colonial war soldier, the novel presents an apocalyptic vision of the last day of the Estado Novo. Similarly, in The Inquisitors’ Manual (1996), the Carnation Revolution is mainly treated from an intimate perspective, in which the fall of the regime materialises in the destruction of the domestic universe of the minister’s farm in Palmela. Lobo Antunes constructs a multifaceted image of that “time of the rupture of ruptures” (as Eduardo Lourenço called the 1974 coup), with the aim of highlighting the various revolutions that the Carnation Revolution brought about on an individual and collective level. By resorting to hyperbole and desmystifying history, Lobo Antunes wants to point out the relativisation of the official discourse on this event.


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Author Biography

Felipe Cammaert, CLLC, Universidade de Aveiro

Felipe Cammaert is a researcher at the Languages, Literatures and Cultures Centre (CLLC/DLC) at University of Aveiro in Portugal. He holds a PhD in Romance Studies and Comparative Literature from Paris-Nanterre University, with a thesis on memory representations in António Lobo Antunes and Claude Simon’s works. He was a postdoctoral fellow at the Centre for Social Studies (University of Coimbra), and at the National Library of Colombia, amongst other institutions. He has lectured at University of Lisbon, University of Aveiro (Portugal), University of Picardie (France) and Los Andes University (Colombia). He has translated French and Portuguese contemporary authors into Spanish for Latin America. He recently published, in addition to other scientific articles, the volume entitled Passados Reapropriados: Pós-memória e Literatura (Afrontamento, 2022).



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How to Cite

Cammaert, F. (2024). A “A mass grave of deceased flowers”: visions and revolutions of the 25th of April in Fado Alexandrino and the Inquisitors’ Manual by António Lobo Antunes. ABRIL – NEPA / UFF, 16(32), 123-138. https://doi.org/10.22409/abriluff.v16i32.61908