This is an outdated version published on 2022-12-27. Read the most recent version.

Uma análise sobre os investimentos públicos e seus impactos relacionados às enchentes no município do Rio de Janeiro


  • Érika Maurer de Sá Andrade UFF
  • Maria Antônia Oliveira Santana Universidade Federal Fluminense



Floods in the city of Rio de Janeiro have plagued the metropolitan region of the state for centuries due to its topography, the increase in garbage production and urban pollution in the municipality. Adding to this, in 2019, there was an 82.20% drop in investments in public policies to combat urban flooding, according to the Municipal Budget report — Annual Budget Law — LOA — of the City of Rio de Janeiro. The present study has as a guiding problem for research, how the investments made in the last eight years impact on the fight against floods in the city of Rio de Janeiro, having as main objective to mention and analyze the relationship between these investments and the effects caused in this city.


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2022-12-26 — Updated on 2022-12-27




Brazilian Administration