Parque Nacional da Serra do Cipó - MG
conflitos territoriais, Unidades de Conservação, Comunidades tradicionais;Abstract
The model for creating protected natural areas is related to the myth of untouched nature, imposed by restrictions on access and use of natural assets that, over time, took on significant proportions, establishing different conceptions of man and nature, and the relationship between both. Here, reflections directed to the creation of conservation units are presented, with a look directed at the Serra do Cipó National Park, weaving a dialogue in relation to the creation of this area and, thus, interspersed with the dynamics of use and territorial appropriation, with in order to understand the different views about traditional resident communities, often considered responsible for maintaining biodiversity, thus understanding the strategies and instruments used by social subjects in the materialization of these protection areas and the resulting socio-environmental conflicts, and essential. It can be said that there is a set of elements that cooperate so that there is a domination of the territories, the reports of the interviewed subjects lead us, in addition, to the understanding that the symbolic violence suffered by them, is intertwined with the creation process of the National Park, characterized by the process of expropriation of the families who lived in the area currently delimited in the park. The narratives also reveal how severe the process of expropriation was in the region during the implementation of PARNA Serra do Cipó, and that the reality experienced by these social subjects is far removed from the promises made by environmental agencies.
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