

Coastal vegetation


This work presents the applied actions for the recovery and management of coastal vegetation in the Permanent Preservation Area in the southern sector of the District of Tamoios, Cabo Frio/RJ. The activities focused on partial fencing the area, controlling dominant and invasive plant species, planting native species, removing garbage, and making educational signs. The removed monodominant species is Dalbergia echastopyllum, which has grown without control and does not favor the advancement of other species, especially Ipomoea pes-caprae. The result observed with the management is the rapid expansion of other herbaceous species that repent over the area, favored by the biomass of D. echastopyllum. The ipomoea pes-caprae largely occupies the post-beach zone and is moving to the reverse of the dune with speed. The cover of leaves and branches and the rapid expansion of vegetation do not leave the dune exposed to the action of strong winds. Future works predict an inventory of flora and fauna species in the recovered areas and the relationship between the expansion of D. ecastophyllum and increased temperature and rainfall. In this way, it aims to contribute to the proposal for the creation, zoning, and norms of a Unit of Conservation that must guide the use of the area and its management, in addition to the implementation of necessary physical structures in the coastal vegetation.


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Author Biography

Rosemary Vieira, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Professora Associada I, Departamento de Geografia, Instituto de Geociências


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