Noir aesthetics in the first season of True Detective



Neo noir. Noir. Série televisiva. True Detective


The paper analyses the first season of True Detective (HBO, 2014-), in the
light of the thematic and formal features of a film noir aesthetics. The study uses textual analysis procedures to expose the creative choices involved in the realization of the series. For our reasoning, we first seek a brief review of the aspects of noir aesthetics updated by the series. Then, an analysis of the narrative aspects demonstrates how the series undertakes new figurations for characteristic tropes of film noir. Finally, an analysis of the visual aspects indicates how a series set in rural environments and with many daytime dramatic actions reconstructs the essence of the noir iconography. The conclusion of the reflection points out how the noir aesthetic emerges from the creative choices as a manifestation of diegetic elements.


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Author Biographies

Christian Hugo Pelegrini, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Doutor em Meios e Processos Audiovisuais pela ECA-USP, professor adjunto do curso de Cinema e Audiovisual do Instituto de Artes e Design da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes, Cultura e Linguagens do IAD-UFJF.

Mariana Lemos Schwartz, Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal)

Mestre em Artes, Cultura e Linguagens pelo Instituto de Artes e Design da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Doutoranda em Media Artes na Universidade da Beira Interior (Portugal).


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