Connections and tensions of time in Communication Theories
Teorias da comunicação. Tempo. Epistemologia.Abstract
In Communication studies, time is not explicitly discussed in itsconstitutive dimension ofinteractional phenomena, or as a core variable of every action and of existence itself. Itsapprehension is frequently noticed as ahistorical variable delimiting particular aspectsof the social apprehension of temporalities. In other words, Communication studies tend to privilege time in its historical aspect, and not as an analytical or epistemic category. This article tries to develop a specific vision of the potentialities and limits of the presence of time in communicativeprocesses. From the reflection about the temporaldimensions featuringcertain Communication Theories, we realize that time is a component of distinction in theoretical formulations, but its specific aspects seem dissolve when itisconsidered as onedimension among others of the interactional phenomena.
Keywords: Communication Theories; Time; Epistemology.
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