“You Can’t Buy My Life”:Calle 13, the representations of the continent in the Latinoamérica musical narrative and the ambiguous Puerto Rican context
Porto Rico, Identidade latino-americana, Representações, Narrativa musical, Nueva Canción latinoamericanaAbstract
The present article reflects on the complexity of the sociocultural context involving Puerto Rico and the Latin American identity. To do so, I construct a contextual analysis about the representations mapped in the musical narrative of Latinoamerica, by the group Calle 13. From a multidisciplinary perspective, I apply theorists such as Lefèbvre (1980), Quijano (1993; 2000), Hall (1998) and Janotti Jr. (2005) to discuss music products in the media sphere, constituting themselves as spaces that, when related to themes like Modernity and national and cultural identification, engender historical ideological tensions and disputes.
Keywords: Puerto Rico; Latin American identity; Representations; Musical Narrative; New Latin American Song.Downloads
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