Radiojournalism as space for disputes in the Global South: cartography of sources in CBN Rio radio station


  • Luan José Vaz Chagas Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro



fontes, radiojornalismo, espaço, sentidos, geografias


How is media space occupied in radiojournalism as a place of dispute for meaning by social voices? The article analyzes the programming of CBN Rio over a week with the mapping of the selected sources to discuss the social themes. To do so, one starts with concepts of geography, such as space, place and territorial configuration to understand the dynamics of dispute in the journalistic scenario in the Global South. It presents a spiral cartography with high areas of discussion from the perspective of primary sources and low zones with secondary ones. The study seeks to contribute with possibilities for dialogue on research that links the geographies of communication and the diversity of sources in radiojournalism.

Keywords: Sources; radiojournalism; space; meanings; geographies.


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Author Biography

Luan José Vaz Chagas, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Mestre em Jornalismo e doutorando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Bolsista Faperj e integrante do grupo de pesquisa Mediações e Interações Radiofônicas. Brasil.


