Updating with empowered girls
identities mobilized in discursive practices in Samira Close’s streams
Identity, Performativity, Queer Game Studies, Streams, Samira CloseAbstract
The transmission of games carried out on gamestreaming platforms has proved to be a locus for queers to enunciate themselves and problematize identity aspects. In this scenario, drag queen and streamer Samira Close violates heteronormative rationality in the media sphere of games. Considering this context, this article aims to understand how LGBTQI + subjects mobilize identity traits in their streamer practices. The data are configured as five statements of the genre streams, and the analysis, of a qualitative-interpretative character, has an epistemological anchor in concepts such as discourse, identity and performance. The analysis showed that Samira Close performs identities in its streams, re-elaborating stylistic-linguistic aspects located in each type of game from pajubá and the daily language of LGBTQI+.
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