O The snake charmer: Tite and transformation of the function of the football coach under the neoliberal ideology.
Tite and transformation of the function of the football coach under the neoliberal ideology
Neoliberalism; New techniques of management; Football; Football coach; Tite.Abstract
In order to contribute to the discussions on the colonization of sports by what can be called the spirit of neoliberal capitalism, this article analyzes the image that was built in the Brazilian press about Tite as the paradigm of a new generation of football coaches that resemble that of the business manager. Therefore, it was chosen to carry out an analysis of the professional profile of Tite published by the business magazine Você S.A.. The reason for choosing this article is that it summarizes in a paradigmatic way the various discourses on the managerial profile of Tite, establishing a direct relationship between the management of sport and the vision of rational management of life according to the neoliberal values.
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