Do The Scratchware Manifesto à Game Workers Unite: manifestos e reivindicações trabalhistas em duas décadas de videogame independente
Scratchware Manfesto, Videogames, Indie, Capitalism, NeoliberalismAbstract
The article proposes the debate of The Scratchware Manifesto (2000), considering the development of indie games and the transformations observed in the production and creation of games within the neoliberal form of capitalism. Therefore, we approach the textual genre manifest as a sociocultural practice of transformation, and the debate of The Scratchware Manifesto was held in dialogue with other manifestos, such as the Communist Party Manifesto (MARX; ENGELS, 2012) and Rise of the Videogame Zinesters (ANTROPY, 2012), among others. In addition, we point out some processes of creation, production and circulation of indie games, from their alignment or not with the market, as well as the labor precariousness. Finally, we indicate initiatives that are promoting alternative relationships of indie games creation, as well as other relationships with work in the game industry.
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