Entre o controle e o silêncio
investigações sobre a representação de mulheres encarceradas no discurso televisivo
Mulheres encarceradas, Imagens de controle, Representação, Discurso televisivo, TVGloboAbstract
Incarcerated women represent about 8% of the Brazilian prison population and even though it is considered low, this is the group in which the incarceration rate rises the most. Using the concept "images of control" by Collins (2019), which problematises the use of meanings attributed to black women in the maintenance of racist structures, including those linked to the penal apparatus, we aimed to identify how incarcerated women in Brazil are represented from TV Globo's audiovisual productions. In the mapping carried out, we found 63 results in which it was possible to observe the formation of three typified representations, which can function as images of control in the television discourse about this group.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Carla Ramalho Procópio, Carla Baiense Felix
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