Quando a inexperiência é um trunfo: o fenômeno da ascensão de outsiders na política
Outsiders, Política, Comunicação, Presidentes, Primeiros-MinistrosAbstract
With the discredit faced by politicians, in recent years, individuals with consolidated careers in areas such as entertainment, education and entrepreneurship have entered politics and assumed office in key positions around the world. In this scenario, the article aims to investigate the phenomenon of the rise of outsiders in politics. The investigation starts from an analysis of the causes that propitiated the phenomenon, moves on to a theoretical articulation about the concept of outsider and presents a mapping of people who have left their careers to become heads of government in the last two decades. Among the findings discovered by the survey, 38 presidents and 10 prime ministers were identified, and the number of outsiders who took office in these positions between 2011 and 2019 almost doubled compared to the period from 2001 to 2010.
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