Estado da arte sobre jornalismo de soluções: definições, percepções e críticas


  • Camila Farias UFBA / Doutoranda


The objective of this article is to present state-of-the-art results on solutions journalism in the world. We selected articles from academic journals based on Capes qualification, in the last 6 years (2018-2023), with the term “solutions journalism” in the title, summary or keywords. 44 articles were located, of which only 2 were by Brazilian authors and the others were available in English. The authors are distributed across universities, mainly in the United States and Europe. A quarter (¼) of articles in world literature are by a single author: Karen McIntyre. The main concept worked on is the relationship between constructive journalism and the proposal of solutions in coverage. Despite this, there are gaps in understanding, as other authors work with different perceptions on the topic.


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