The Rhyzomatic narrative and experiments in the city


  • Gustavo Pimenta Universidade de São Paulo - FAUUSP
  • Antônio Carlos Queiroz Filho Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo
  • Feres Lourenço Khoury Universidade de São Paulo


Cidade, Rizoma, Afetos, Literatura, Narrativas


Understanding space from an alternative approach that abandons hegemonic influences and highlights a production of difference over multiplicity allows to be built a powerful dialogue with the idea of ​​the rhizome, because it carries the outlines that tension this unique way of thinking and instigates an experimental writing process that seeks new beginnings, encounters and unpredictability for other ways of being, reading and doing in the city. Therefore, investigating how the rhizomatic potency can provide that multiple readings about the symptomatic urban space coexist from the literature as an intercessor of its experiments, becomes the objective of this paper, above all, because it opens reflections on powers and modes of sayingability of a rhizome saying-city constructed from narratives of a body-experience that has the Center of São Paulo as the background of its empirical practices in pandemic.


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Author Biography

Gustavo Pimenta, Universidade de São Paulo - FAUUSP

Architect and Urbanist, Master in Architecture and Urbanism in the area of ​​Concentration of Urban Processes and Physical-Territorial Policies at the Federal University of Espírito Santo - UFES (2019), PhD in Architecture in the area of ​​Concentration of Space, Design and Culture at the University of São Paulo (FAUUSP), Researcher of the research group RASURAS - Marginal Geographies (Poetics, Language, Movement) and Scholarship holder Capes / Cnpq. In parallel, I developed the Continuing Education course (FIC) on Archeology and Education, followed by the Postgraduate Course in Improvement in Education and Environment both at the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo - IFES (2018) and a second degree in mathematics through the Claretian teaching network. I worked as Project and Hydrosanitary Manager at Viana City Hall until early 2020, in addition to working concurrently in the academic area as a teacher at Cedtec, Senai and Lusíadas schools, mainly in the areas focused on metal-mechanics due to training in metallurgy and materials in the IFES in (2010), buildings and architecture.




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How to Cite

Pimenta, G., Queiroz Filho, A. C., & Khoury, F. L. (2022). The Rhyzomatic narrative and experiments in the city. Geograficidade, 12(2), 43-58. Retrieved from