The collective body in a garden street

political and aesthetical dimensions in a state of “squareness”


  • Isabela Frade Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil


Action Research, Relational Art, Communal Spaces, Mangueira's Slum


In analysis, the reminiscence of a vibrant investigative field: the experience of action research in a staggered street in Mangueira,
Rio de Janeiro. From the moving and indeterminate state of the
bodies going up and down the platforms of Rua Icaraí, we created a space to be shared, allowing us to experience, in an aesthetic way, the insularity character that Mangueira presents. Accumulating waste was a reason for reflection on defensiveness when facing the problem of garbage and encouraging the exchange of plant seedlings, painting the walls and producing urban furniture, for the creation of “Jardim da Tia Neuma”, in honor of the matriarch. The movements in fluctuating and unstable temporalities of the group of artists in experimentation in dialogue with passers-by and
residents instigate new ways of perceiving about what is living in favela spaces and what, from art, can be intensified in forms of commonality.


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How to Cite

Frade, I. (2023). The collective body in a garden street : political and aesthetical dimensions in a state of “squareness”. Geograficidade, 13(Especial), 37-46. Retrieved from