Indigenous Women

Geography And Ancestrality Of Earth-Bodies


  • Marjana Vedovatto Universidade Estadual de Londrina
  • Jamille da Silva Lima-Payayá Universidade Estadual de Campinas


Corporeality, Coloniality, Grounded thinking


This paper tries to reason about the relationship between geography and ancestry in the body-land manifested by the corporeality of indigenous women. The problem involves the intertwining of the
consequences of the colonization process on the corporeality of indigenous women, since the ocurrence of patriarchal entrenchment and the usurpation of their territories. It takes a perspective of indigenous women, prioritizing dialogue with indigenous intellectuals, seeking to access the geographical meaning in their knowledge in order to understand how ancestral geography is expressed from the corporealities of indigenous women, in the context of territorial usurpations and violence suffered by them in the exploitation of their own body-land. From this, we intend to think about Geography as a thought that is grounded in and committed to the movement that has emerged from the bodies-land of indigenous women
everywhere since time immemorial.


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Author Biography

Marjana Vedovatto, Universidade Estadual de Londrina

Doutoranda da Universidade Estadual de Londrina


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How to Cite

Vedovatto, M., & Lima-Payayá, J. da S. (2025). Indigenous Women: Geography And Ancestrality Of Earth-Bodies. Geograficidade, 15(1), 31-43. Retrieved from