
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

* The manuscripts submitted to this publication may be written in Portuguese, Spanish, English or French, always obeying the respective language styles;

* The registration and login are mandatory for submission, as well as to verify the submission process.

* GEOgraphia does not charge processing or submission fees.

* All papers need to be accompanied by a separate identification page, which must be attached in the item "supplementary documents", with the following information: title; author's note; author identification (position, institution, academic title, address, e-mail, ORCID number and a contact phone).

* If the manuscript is an Original Article, the abstract and keywords must come in three different languages: the mandatory languages are Portuguese and English, accompanied by a third language that can be chosen between Spanish and French.

* Articles must be sent complete and fully revised. The proofs will be reviewed by the editor, based on the text received, being the corresponding author responsible all steps of the submission process.

* The language use must be fully revised before submission.

* To guarantee the blind evaluation, author information will not be sent to reviewers, although  it is author’s responsibility to make sure that there is no personal data in any part of the text or file properties, which could identify him/her. The files properties could be removed following procedures:

  1. a. In Microsoft Office or Mac documents: (menu File > Properties), starting the File, select this sequence in the main menu: File > Save as... > Tools (or Options on Mac) > Security Options... > Remove personal information from the file when saving > OK > Save.
  2. b. In PDF documents:Author's names should also be removed from the Doccument Properties clicking on File in the main menu of Acrobat Reader.

* All manuscripts will be signed, reflecting that author opinions are not necessarily those of the Editorial Committee.

* The Editorial Committee and the Editorial Council reserve the right to refuse or request changes to the original texts;

* The criteria for formatting the text are specified below:

- Typing: Times New Roman (font size 12), 1.5 spacing, left and right margins of 3 cm, 1 cm paragraph indentation.

Articles should not exceed 25 pages (including tables, graphics, illustrations and bibliographical references);

Research Notes and Reviews should not exceed 6 pages, avoiding tables, graphs and illustrations.

- Citations: transcriptions of up to three lines must be enclosed in double quotation marks. Single quotation marks are used to indicate a quotation inside a quotation. Transcriptions with more than three lines should be highlighted with a 4 cm left margin indentation, using arial font (size: 10) and without quotation marks. The suppression and the additions inside the transcriptions should be indicated between square brackets [...]. It is recommended to use the author-data-number system between parentheses to identify the citation source.

- Explanatory notes: comments, clarifications or explanations that cannot be included in the body text. They should be inserted as footnotes, with unique and consecutive numbering for the whole article.

- Complementary elements: Tables, notes, charts, and figures are numbered consecutively and independently, using Arabic numerals that are each one identified at the top by the term TABLE, CHART or FIGURE, followed by the respective number.

- Bibliographical references:

Citations throughout the texts should include first author's last name and the year of the publication. If there is more than one publication by the same author and year, use letters (e.g., a, b or c) immediately after the year. Example: (MORTARA, 1982a, p. 427). Repeat previous quotes to avoid ibid., op. cit. etc. In case of two or more authors, cite as the example (MORTARA & SILVA, 1982) and (MORTARA et al., 1982), respectively.

At the end of the text, the essential elements are: Author(s), Date of publication, Title, Subtitle (if the case), Edition, City, Publisher, Pages and Volumes (if the case), following the format below:


SURNAME, initial of the author(s) first name(s). Year of publication. Title: subtitle. Edition number. Place: Publisher


GOMES, L. G. F. F. (1998) Novela e sociedade no Brasil. Niterói: EdUFF. 137 p. 

Book chapter:

SURNAME, initial of the author(s) first name(s). Chapter title. In: SURNAME, initial of the author(s) first name(s) or organizer(s) first name(s). Title: subtitle. Place: Publisher, year of publication, Initial-final pages of the referenced chapter.


ROMANO, G. (1996) Imagens da juventude na era moderna. In: LEVI, G.; SCHIMIDT, J. (orgs.). História dos jovens 2: a época contemporânea. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, p. 7-16. 

Journal article:

SURNAME, initial of the author(s) first name(s). Date of publication. Article title: subtitle. Journal title, place, volume number, issue, initial-final pages of the referred article, period information.


COSTA, V. R. (1998) À margem da lei: o Programa Comunidade Solidária. In Pauta - Revista da Faculdade de Serviço Social da UERJ, Rio de Janeiro, n. 12, p. 131-148.

In electronic media: works of any nature consulted online must necessarily present information on the electronic address, written between the signs < >, preceded by the expression "Available on:", and the document access date, preceded by the expression "Accessed on:".


SÃO PAULO. (Estado). (1999) Secretaria do Meio Ambiente. Tratados e organizações ambientais em matéria de meio ambiente. In: _____. Entendendo o meio ambiente. São Paulo. v.1. Avaible on: Accessed on: 8 mar. 1999.

ATTENTION: The journal is not responsible for bibliographical references provided by the authors.







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