


Augmented Virtual Reality, Cartography, Teaching Geography


Geotechnologies, when used as a methodological resource in the teaching of geography, make it possible to expand the spatial perceptions and sensory stimuli of schoolchildren. Faced with the changing educational scenario in which we are inserted, education professionals have resorted to didactic adaptations based on active and interdisciplinary methodologies. One of these methodologies is Virtual and Augmented Reality, which uses technological resources to represent reality from the virtual environment, in an interactive way. Therefore, the present work aims to improve the reading of the geographic space using Augmented Reality to work the natural dynamics and analysis of the landscape elements of Aquidauana-MS with children, adolescents and professionals from the basic education network, in an interdisciplinary way. The methodology of this work is divided into two stages: a) reading and interpretation of the relief map of South America; b) demonstration of the sandbox for the target audience, discussing with them the dynamics of landforms and the hydrographic basin, in an interactive way. As a result, it was noticed that the use of augmented reality methodology in Geography teaching is essential for the development of cartographic notions, such as relief altimetry and three-dimensional vision, in addition to enabling the learning of the morphological dynamics of the relief and the basin system. watershed, making learning more dynamic and attractive.


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How to Cite

Policarpo Souza Campos, S. ., Sousa da Silva, K. R. ., de Arruda Viédes, B. ., & Ronaldo Afonso Viédes, I. . (2023). NATURE THROUGH AUGMENTED REALITY: ACTIONS THAT TRANSCEND FORMAL EDUCATION . GEOgraphia, 25(55).



Dossiê - Jornada de Geotecnologias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro