Combatting and preserving: positions and knowledge about the popular language in the "Boletines de la Academia Argentina de Letras" (1933-1943)


  • Mara Glozman Universidade de Buenos Aires (Argentina)



Language Policies, Academia Argentina de Letras, popular language, Lunfardo, folklore, tradition


This paper presents an analysis of the positions and knowledge about popular language made by the Boletines de la Academia Argentina de Letras (BAAL) during the first ten years of publication (1933-1943). This is a recurring problem in BAAL, whose historical significance was deepened from the socio-economic, political and cultural changes on that took place since the early 1930s. Theoretically, this paper is based on the studies of Glotopolitcs currently developed in Argentina, considering perspectives from different approaches though. Methodologically, this work discusses formulations about Argentina, language and genres associated with popular cultura correspond to the same political and institutional positioning. Because of its discursive importance, the analysis especially discusses the functioning of the rural-urban dichotomy, favoring two axes: a) the relationship between general policy definitions which are formulated in BAAL and positions on popular culture and language and b)the specialized knowledge which build the lunfardo, folklore and folk poetry as objects of description and prescription. Thus, the paper aims at covering the ways in which the Academia Argentina de Letras helped to institutionalize a popular language imaginary linked, on one hand, to a certain definition of tradition and, on the other, to politicies of exclusion of practices associated with popular urban space.


Original in Spanish.


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Author Biography

Mara Glozman, Universidade de Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Doutora em Letras (com orientação em Lingüística) e Mestre em Analise do Discurso pela Universidade de Buenos Aires. Chefe de Trabalhos Práticos de Lingüística Geral. Pesquisadora do Instituto de Lingüística (UBA) com bolsa CONICET. Sua pesquisa, filiada nas áreas de Glotopolítica, Historia das Idéias Lingüísticas e Análise do Discurso, examina os discursos em torno da língua nacional e da linguagem popular produzidos nas instituições argentinas entre 1930 e 1955, com especial atenção ao período peronista. É coautora de Voces y ecos. Una antología de los debates sobre la lengua nacional (Buenos Aires: Cabiria/Biblioteca nacional, 2012).



How to Cite

Glozman, M. (2012). Combatting and preserving: positions and knowledge about the popular language in the "Boletines de la Academia Argentina de Letras" (1933-1943). Gragoatá, 17(32).



Language Articles